Profile PictureJennifer Ryan Wilde
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SOLD #100 mudras - 100/100 - Padma Mudra V

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PADMA MUDRA - The Hand Gesture of Loving Kindness. It directly translates to "Lotus Seal" in Sanskrit. This pose symbolizes a beautiful bud yearning toward the light, growing out of the deep dark muck of the pond water. From there, a flower emerges. When we practice this mudra, we cultivate faith that as long as we stay rooted, we can move toward the light and emerge as the best version of ourselves.

Watercolor, ink, and metallic ink, 12-in by 18-in.

50% of the sale of this painting will be donated to San Francisco Suicide Prevention.

This is the final mudra of a series of 100 for this benefit.

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SOLD #100 mudras - 100/100 - Padma Mudra V

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